I was pondering what kind of cupcakes I should make for my dessert loving friend's birthday celebration. I wanted to make something that I hadn't made before, and before I knew it, I came up with Neapolitan cupcakes. It was a little bit of a challenge to decide how to incorporate strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla all into one cupcake. After much deep thought, I settled on chocolate and vanilla cake, with strawberry swiss meringue frosting. I added some ghiradelli chocolate chips for extra flavor and frosting accents. I thought they were very delicious.

At one point while I was making the cupcakes, I remembered that I use to ask for Napoleon ice cream, and I would always get funny looks, but no one corrected me. I'm not sure when I finally figured out that the proper term was Neapolitan. Thank goodness I figured it out for these cupcakes!