Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mint Chocolate Chip Cupcakes

I've seen lots of different varieties of mint and chocolate cupcakes. Most of them involve a chocolate cupcake with either mint buttercream or chocolate mint ganache. I have also seen a couple cupcakes that are mint cake with lavender buttercream. I'm not sure how I feel about lavender flavored buttercream, but sometimes I think my taste buds never developed past age 5, so lavender buttercream might be good... In all my searches I haven't seen any mint cupcakes with chocolate chips in it, so I did some thinking, what if I made a mint cupcake, with chocolate chips mixed in it? And that's what I did, the whole time I was thinking, "I hope this tastes as good as mint chocolate chip ice cream." I made chocolate buttercream frosting and added peppermint extract, and then topped the cupcakes off with a junior mint. The overall result? They were really good, the peppermint had a nice cooling taste to it, plus they were green! My husband said they were probably his favorite of my creations. And that is saying a lot, since he says that he isn't really a dessert person. But I don't really believe him. What I really learned from this experience, is that, I'm not really so good at taking pictures. How do people do that?

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