Sunday, April 27, 2008

Cupcake Pops

I saw this creation on Bakerella's blog and thought they were so cute. She even got to be on Martha Stewart's show for them. I'm not sure I want to be on the Martha Stewart show, but it must mean you're good if you're on her show. Anyways, I decided that I needed to make them. Since I had never made them before, I decided to follow her recommendations. I used Red Velvet cake with cream cheese as the cake part, bought some Mercken's chocolates, and decorated them with sprinkles and M&M's. It definitely is a learning process. I think the most important step was to refrigerate them in between steps. Overall I was very happy with them, and more importantly, they tasted really good. In fact, I'm going to get another one...


Anonymous said...

CUTE!!! What a fun idea!

jenn said...

My mouth is kind of watering for red velvet cupcake pops!! :)