Most people buy a Kitchenaid Mixer with the intent that it will be the last mixer they will ever need to purchase. In the past month, my wonderful husband has bought me 3 Kitchenaid Mixers; and will probably be buying one more for me before the month is over. Have I started a business where I need 4 mixers? Nope, I'm just picky, and it comes down to the fact that it wasn't the right color. So here's how it happened. My husband decided, and rightfully so, that I needed to own a Kitchenaid Mixer, so he purchased this nice pink mixer. Then he remembered that I had mentioned seeing a beautiful purple mixer online and decided to return the pink one and get me my favorite color. So he searched online, bought me a purple mixer, nicely wrapped it, and put it under the tree for me. So on Christmas Eve, I unwrapped my new mixer.
While greatly loving the fact that I had become the proud owner of a Kitchenaid Mixer, I was hesitant to share with my husband, that it wasn't really the right color of purple, and that I had seen this great purple mixer on the JC Penny's website. So I finally told him, and he said that he had searched all over for a purple mixer, but this is the only one he could find. We looked at the JC Penny's website, and it was still there, my beautiful mixer.

Now I'm sure all my male readers are saying, "who cares, purple is purple." But that just isn't true. Anyways, my awesome husband decided that he would get this one for me because it was the color that I wanted. So he calls Penney's to purchase it, and finds out that this color was discontinued a couple of years ago. I'd now like to take this opportunity to blame JC Penney's for the whole Kitchenaid Mixer fiasco. If they had updated their website, none of this would have happened. Curses on them for getting my hopes up and then stomping them into the ground. So we decided to look online to see if any place still sold purple mixers. And we found a website that still had the perfect mixer, we purchased it, rejoiced, and then realized the huge mistake we had just made. The website offered appliances that run on 220 volts, and as I learned, United States' appliances run on 110 volts. So that left us with two options: 1. move to Europe, 2. cancel our order. I voted for the former, the husband voted for the latter; I didn't win. Fortunately, we were able to cancel the order without any problems, but now I'm left with no Kitchenaid Mixer, and no clue as to what color of mixer I should get. So if you are really bored, I'm now accepting color nominations, go to www.everythingkitchens.com , view their colors and then tell me which one I should get, but don't pick light pink or boysenberry, we don't want to stress the husband out anymore than I already have :)
i like the pistachio! :)
I vote for the ice blue color - looks very retro. Or I would choose black, red or silver.
I really like the cinnamon or bayleaf, but it would really help to know your kitchen colors!!!!!
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